Welcome to our Eco page.
Did you know that in May 2023 we were awarded our fifth Green Flag Eco Schools award? Well done to all our Eco Warriors who worked so hard to achieve this. We are currently working towards achieving our fifth Green Flag, which will be awarded in 2025
Our School ECO Code
- We will recycle our used paper and cardboard into the recycle bins.
- We will recycle the water in our water trays to water plants and clean chalk boards.
- We will draw on both sides of the paper.
- We will turn off lights when not in use.
Each month, we aim to have a specific ECO focus, to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in this specific area.
This month, we will be learning the ECO Code, including recycling our paper, turning off lights and taps, and keeping our school litter-free.
We will be learning the importance of washing our hands independently, re-using and re-cycling materials and keeping our school litter-free. We will also begin to plant Spring bulbs, such as crocuses and daffodils. Cash4clobber, a clothing recycle company, will also be here.
We will be looking at changes in the weather, and how it affects nature and wildlife. We will also be using lots of recycled materials in our artwork. Daily tooth brushing in Nursery also begins.
Lots of re-cycled materials will be used to make our Christmas decorations! We will also be making sure our Bird Bath and Bird Feeders are well topped up, to feed and water the birds during Winter.
We will be very busy making Bird seed cake for the hungry birds during Winter. We can also take one home for the birds in our garden, too.
We are making lots of 3D models out of recycled boxes, lids, cartons etc. We will also be sorting materials into boxes for recycling.
A very busy month for planting! We will be weeding and putting bedding flowers into our tubs, digging over our vegetable patch and tidying our wildflower garden. We will also be observing the life cycle of frogs, and other Spring animals. Habitat for Humanity will come and visit us to talk about homes and the importance of recycling furniture and unwanted items.
We will be planting vegetables such as radishes, runner beans, tomatoes, and potatoes and watching them grow. We will be keeping our outside area clean and litter-free.
We will be watching the growth of our flower, fruit (strawberries) and vegetables in our Outside area. We will also be observing minibeasts under logs and in our "Minibeast City". Caterpillars will also be visiting our school! We will watch them grow and then release them, as butterflies, into our garden.
We will be harvesting our strawberries, and vegetables. We will be observing all types of minibeasts in our outside area.
St Colmcille's Nursery School, 31 Killough Road Downpatrick Co. Down BT30 6PX
Phone: 028 44615173